Sunday, March 1, 2009


Da lme rsenye x mengupdate blog ni..secara kasarnye I was too bz..n too tired to menghadap laptop ni..sebab sumua keje pon kene hadap I’m giving my eyes and my brain to rest…hehehe..

Generally, around dis time, I discovered a lot of thing, which really makes me think why dis matter happened? First thing is LESBO..or LESbian.. aku xtau npe sejek 2menjak ni aku selalu terserempak ngn golongan songsang kejadahnye smua ni??

Aku xpham..aku x mngerti..dorg ni same2 npe msti ade yg bpelukan dan melakukan aksi2( yg straight couple pon xwat) dengan selambe nye di shoping complex..taman2..n d tasek(that recently I visit).. meluat aku n kwn2 tgk..bukan jeles k! sebab I have a real boyfriend to hug on k..yg aku pelik npe dorg ni nk berkasih syg (yg terlampau) dengan mereka2 yg sme jantina ngn kite ek…npe msti sorg tu bpewatakan cam lelaki..konon2nye btindak as a boyfriend towards another girl..npe nk pretend yg dorg is da best couple of the year??sedarla ckit ek..(kpd org yg aku kenal n tjebak dalm kancah msalah ni,yg x kenal aku..juz ignore dis k) yg hubungan korg tu dilaknat tuhan..bukan nk kate yg aku ni baik..cume aku xsongsang.. I’m a girl and he’s a boy! That’s the fact that ALLAH da create dri dulu lg.. I’m the person that strongly appose dis kind of situation. Ade satu cte yg aku nk kongsi dsnini ek..last Friday, farah, naz and I went to midvalley sebab kepinging bangat nk tgk upin n,without any planning, we went to midvalley at 12o’clock I guess! Dengan harapan dpt tgk movie n seterusnya dpt mkn Mcvalue mcd dengan harga RM5.49..hahahahaha! n guess what..we did it! Ktorg smpai sne around 2.45pm and dpt beli tket n dpt mcd skali! Fuhh..nseb baik! But the sad part is..ktorg x dpt mkn mcd tu..sebab movie da nk stat..tpkselah sumbat mcd tu kt dlm beg naz..overall, upin n ipin was great. The graphic was brilliant!so..congrats las copaque..pas tgk movie tu ktorg pon pd mkn mk mcd yg da sejuk xpelah..sebab murah! Mse mkn tu, my eyes captured one lesbo lg..kmi pon gosipgosip la..n that couple was staring at us too! Lantak korg la..sebab ktorg ade point nk ngumpat..first thing is..korg tu lesbian..n second thing is..korang tu wearing a bju skolah ek..laa..budak skola! Bukan ktorg nk bckp2 pasal u made all people around u saw what are u doing that moment.. bukan nk tu kan tmpat public..jgnla wat yg tgk malu! Korg tu pkai school uniform,..siap ade batch lg..da tau da korg dri skola pe nk wat kan..ktorg pon xkan nk sound xde manner tulah.kla aku date pon xdelah bgitu skali nk tunjukkan kasih syg..aku bukn bnci ngn golongan ni..dorg pon mnusia tindak tanduk dorg tu wat aku menyampah.sory, maybe it might hurt other feelings, but that’s the fact.. ni ade satu lg kisah yg menambahkan kebengangan aku..its about my housemate.,actually the new one. They just moved in on January, at first, we respect them bcause they looked “alim”..n wearing a big tudung..n bju yg pnjang2…bak kate yg pin rse mmg patutla ktorg respect dorg..sebab ktorg xpakai smua tu..n make us aware of waktu solat etc. Sebab rsenye dorg cam memerhatikan ktorg..n ktorg pon da xpakai seksi2 kt umh..sebab segan.. tp sometimes ktorg musykil npe dorg asik dok bilik je..xkuar lgsung nk join kotg borak2 n gk tv..ntahla..but, one day, aku tnmpk somting yg wat aku meluat n xmau tgk dorg lg..dorg da cam main2kan agama,,sah!dorg lesbian!!! Aku xtau cmne nk ckp..but I will not precise explain bout them..but, it really makes me sad and shock! We decide to usir xde prove..tuan rumah pon xde alasan nk usir mereka..xkan bodo2 je nk kuar..up until now we still find a way to make them out from that house…ntahla..out of blue! N ktorg x selelsa ngn kehediran mereka.

ntahla..there is too much to think about. a lot of trouble ..a lot of matters that should be done..yet, we have to faces them. But, sehabis mungkin aku akan menjauhkan diri dri mereka.. sebab aku xleh terima pe yg dorg lakukan..klau bole, xnk lgsung berlaga bahu ngn dorg. Kdang2 aku rse cam bsekongkol ngn dorg, sebab xleh haling perbuatan apakah daya kami??. Well, mmg btol ktorg ni xbpe nk bg semayang sunat aku n kwn2 still tau mne halal n haramnye.. ntahla..mmg we don’t have any idea to talk about this. Dahla, dorg da bsar, dah tau pe yg dorg watt u btol or salah..

tll then, bye..

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